deKay's Lofi Gaming

Metroid Dread (Switch): COMPLETED!

It’s been a long time coming, but I have filled this last year or two with many, many Metroidvania games in preparation. Even though I didn’t know it was coming. Of course I ordered it instantly. And, it was really good. I didn’t expect otherwise, but people were very down on Metroid: Other M and I never really got into that myself either. It was lacking the Metroid lonely atmosphere, I think. Too many other people. Lots of chat. Not …

Heavy Rain (PS4): COMPLETED!

Never before has a game made me so angry. It’s not the sort of game I’d ever normally consider playing, and I didn’t know that much about it apart from that it was by David Cage (which itself meant very little as I’ve never played a Cage game) and involved a murder story. I thought it was a bit like one of the Telltale Games adventures, but more “cinematic”. But, coerced by two people I considered, until this point, as …

What the Golf? (iOS): COMPLETED!

I didn’t think Apple Arcade was ever going to be for me, and to be honest I still don’t, but that hasn’t stopped me getting the month’s free trial and giving a few things a go. What the Golf is one game that stands out as “working on a touch screen”, to the point where I’ve managed to complete it. And, more importantly, enjoy completing it! The game starts off as a golf game. Pull back your finger to aim …

Pound-a-Mile Update

So, it’s time for an update, I think. How do you think things have gone? Well, a lot of things have happened. Most importantly, I bought a new bike. Oh yes. Even though my Apollo Highway hybrid was still under a year old, I was fed up with the shocking build quality and after a snapped chain, snapped axle, bent wheel, twisted cogs, and it never, ever, changing gears smoothly enough regardless of how much they were adjusted, cleaned, and …

The Wonderful World of Worky-Not

Yes, it does sound rather like a nasty place visiting the top of the Magic Faraway Tree, doesn’t it? Sadly, it seems to be where I’ve been living for the last few weeks. Last weekend, my Virgin Media TV set top box went all wonky and none of the interactive or on-demand thingies on it worked. I managed to fix it myself (turned out it was cables), but we’re so reliant on the Catch Up TV facility that we rarely …